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Sedation Dentistry

At THE PEDO DENTAL STUDIO, We support All Sedation Dentistry Procedures

Nitrous Oxide
Nitrous oxide (also known as “laughing gas”) is a very safe and effective form of sedation. It can help your child feel less anxious and make receiving dental treatment a more comfortable experience.

Oral Conscious Sedation
Sometimes nitrous oxide is not enough to help alleviate your child’s dental anxiety. In these cases, we use a simple combination of medicine that help the child stay awake but feel happy and really relaxed. It might take a few visits if the child has a lot of work to do but we have found shorter appointments for kids helps them cope better

General Anesthesia
This is used if your child has extensive cavities throughout the mouth or if sedation dentistry does not work. We only use this option to make sure your child does not have a negative experience which is very important to us. We are credentialed at a local surgical center but we have an on-site operating room where an anesthesiologist can help provide your child with the proper medications and monitoring, allowing the pediatric dentist to restore your child’s oral health in a safe and predictable manner. And all in one visit.

For Appointment

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